Monday, April 3, 2023

Laughing In Church

A group of men used to gather every week in a poorly lit church. They were from different walks of life, but they had one thing in common: they all needed a place to escape from their troubles and just have a good time.

Despite the preacher's best efforts to deliver a moving sermon, the men completely disregarded him as they laughed and joked amongst themselves. One of the men had just shared a particularly funny story, causing the rest of the group to burst into fits of laughter. The preacher tried to regain their attention, but to no avail. 

The laughter was contagious, and soon the entire church was filled with the sounds of their hearty laughter. It echoed through the church, bouncing off the walls and filling every corner with joy.  As the service came to an end, the men left the church still chuckling and completely ignoring the message that was meant to uplift them. 

As the night went on, the men realized that they had formed a close bond, united by their shared love of laughter. They made a promise to each other to always meet in the church, every week, to enjoy each other's company and spread joy wherever they went. It was clear that for this group of men, humor was more important than spiritual guidance.

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