Sunday, February 5, 2023

Thor Is Sore (He Dropped His Hammer On His Foot)

Thor, the mighty Asgardian god of thunder, was having a rough day. He had just defeated a group of frost giants and was feeling pretty good about himself, until disaster struck. As he was about to put away his trusty hammer, Mjolnir, he stumbled and dropped it directly onto his foot.

Thor let out a loud cry of pain, causing all the other gods to come running to see what had happened. When they saw Thor hopping around on one foot, clutching his injured foot, they couldn't help but burst into laughter.

"What's so funny?" Thor demanded, still in pain. 

"Oh, Thor," Loki chuckled. "You're always so quick to smash your enemies, but can't even handle your own hammer."

The other gods joined in on the laughter, much to Thor's chagrin. But as the days passed, Thor's injury healed, and he was back to his old self, ready to wield Mjolnir once again. However, every time he looked down at his foot, he couldn't help but think about that fateful day and the teasing he received from his fellow gods.

From then on, Thor made sure to always keep a tight grip on Mjolnir, to avoid any future incidents and embarrassing moments.

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