Monday, February 27, 2023

Moby Tapeworm

Moby Dick from the perspective of a tapeworm:

Call me Tapeworm. I have lived in the intestines of this human for some time—never mind how long precisely. It's a cozy place, with plenty of nutrients to feed on. But sometimes, the host gets restless. Whenever he finds himself growing grim about the mouth, whenever he feels the need to purge his insides, I feel the tremors of his discomfort.

And then, he goes to sea. I do not know what he sees or where he goes, but I feel the motion of the waves as if I were there myself. I sense his excitement, his anticipation, and his awe at the vastness of the ocean. Sometimes, I feel a little left out, stuck here in the dark, damp corners of his gut. But I know that I am part of him, and he is part of me.

As he walks around the city, I sense the crowds of people, their energy, and their smells. I do not see what he sees, but I can imagine the water, the ships, and the horizon. I feel his hunger for adventure, for exploration, for something more than the routine of daily life. 

And then, he comes back to shore, and I feel the relief of his return. He is tired, but also invigorated. He has seen things that I cannot see, experienced things that I cannot experience. But I am content to be here, in my little corner of his body, feeding and growing, like a tapeworm should.

Sunday, February 12, 2023

Thor Drinking Beer in the Restroom

Thor, the mighty Norse god of thunder, found himself on a break from his duties and in need of a little rest and relaxation. So, he made his way to a small pub and ordered a few beers.

As he sat in the quiet of the pub's restroom, he began to let his guard down and relax. He took a sip of his beer and let out a deep, hearty laugh. The sound echoed through the bathroom, and he felt a sense of liberation he hadn't experienced in a long time.

Thor continued to drink his beers and tell jokes to himself, laughing so hard that he almost fell off the stool. He was in such a good mood that he didn't even mind the less-than-ideal surroundings of the pub restroom.

Thor was enjoying himself so much that he lost track of time, and before he knew it, it was time for him to return to his duties. He left the restroom with a smile on his face and a newfound appreciation for the simple things in life.

From that day on, Thor would often return to that small pub and spend time in the restroom, laughing and enjoying a few beers with anyone who was willing to join him. His laughter became a legend, and he was known as the god who brought joy and laughter wherever he went.

Don't Let Diarrhea Rain On Your Parade

Did you know that there are countless women and men in the United States who are silently suffering from a debilitating condition - severe diarrhea? This can greatly impact their daily lives, making it difficult to carry out even the simplest of tasks: just walking or standing around! For many, the severity of their symptoms is so bad that they don't even want to eat, which can lead to further health complications.

“I’m living my life with severe diarrhea.”

While it affects both men and women, women are often more deeply impacted by the stigma and shame associated with this condition. To raise awareness and show support, we are proud to publicize portraits of women (and one man) who are suffering every day with severe diarrhea. These portraits showcase the bravery and resilience of those who live with this condition, and remind us that they are not alone.

“I’m living my life with severe diarrhea.”

Severe diarrhea can be caused by various factors, such as medication side effects, infections, or underlying health conditions. Despite its prevalence, many people are still hesitant to seek help or even talk about it.

“I’m living my life with severe diarrhea.”

Let's talk about it. Let's break down the stigma surrounding this issue and support those who are struggling. If you or someone you know is suffering from severe diarrhea, know you are not alone. If you know somebody with severe diarrhea, reach out your hand and ask them questions about it. Share their stories with your friends and co-workers. Suggest they contact a healthcare provider for proper treatment and support. Don't just ignore it, take charge! Together, we can raise awareness and help those affected reclaim their lives. 

“I’m living my life with severe diarrhea.”

Diarrhea may be a pain in the butt, but it doesn't have to be a pain in your day. Take control of your bowels with these simple steps: hydrate, sanitize, and don't hesitate. Don't let diarrhea ruin your plans, take action and be the boss of your digestive system, not the other way around!

“I’m living my life with severe diarrhea.”

Keep your bowels in check and your day on track!

Friday, February 10, 2023

Chili Dog Burrito

One afternoon, a man was walking down the street on his lunch break when he stumbled upon a street vendor selling burritos. Eager to try something new, he ordered the vendor's special "chili dog burrito." Upon taking a bite, he was horrified to find an entire hotdog inside, encased in beans, the whole thing wrapped in a tortilla. This assault on his sensibilities set him into a fit of rage. He threw the burrito into the street, cursing and spitting in frustration, “Fuck! Fuck! A fucking hotdog in there!”

People on the sidewalk stopped to stare, shocked by the man's outburst. Some disapproved while others laughed at the absurdity of the situation. “He thought it was a weiner,” one man laughed to himself. “

Not wanting to go back to work hungry, the man walked over to a nearby pizza vendor and ordered a slice. He savored the hot, melted cheese and flavorful sauce, a stark contrast to the hot dog filled burrito.

With a slice of pizza in hand, the man returned to the spot in the street where he had thrown the chili dog burrito and kicked it back onto the sidewalk. Taking another bite of the pizza, he continued down the sidewalk, kicking the rejected burrito ahead of him. Content with his decision, he took another bite of the pizza slice, then kicked what was left of the chili dog burrito into the street, into oncoming traffic. 

The man, still muttering curses under his breath and fuming, stormed off with the slice of pizza in hand. The rejected burrito was left in the street, a forgotten symbol of the man's anger and frustration. Despite the incident, life went on as usual and the world kept turning.

Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Henry and the Apple Tree Branch

Henry lived in a small town surrounded by apple orchards. He often took walks through the countryside, admiring the beauty of the trees and the sweet fragrance of the apples.

One day, as Henry was walking through the orchards, he came across a particularly large apple tree that caught his eye. He was drawn to the tree and as he approached, a rush of emotions overcame him and he felt a deep sense of joy and excitement.

Maybe Henry remembered a specific event from his past that made him realize the importance of living life to the fullest and cherishing the simple things in life. Perhaps he remembered a time when he was carefree and full of laughter, and he realized that he had lost touch with that part of himself.

Alternatively, Henry may have had an epiphany about his own values and beliefs and what truly mattered to him in life. He may have realized that he had been living his life on autopilot and that he needed to rediscover his purpose and live more authentically.

In any case, it's clear that the sight of the apple tree and the memories it evoked were a turning point for Henry and helped him rediscover an important aspect of himself.

Without a second thought, Henry reached both hands out to grasp a large limb from the tree, the apples still hanging from its branches. With all his strength, he forced it back and forth until a loud, “Crack-Pop” echoed throughout the orchard. He pulled a hatchet from his hiking bag to help him sever the limb more quickly. Finally, he lifted the apple-laden branch high in the air and let out a hearty, joyful laugh. He was so overwhelmingly happy, he had to wipe tears from his eyes.

Henry continued his walk, waving the limb back and forth and laughing hysterically as he made his way back into town. The villagers were taken aback by the sight of the man walking down the street, a large apple limb in one hand and a grin on his face.

"This apple tree limb, these red apples, remind me to live every day to the fullest and to never take a single moment for granted,” he laughed.

The townspeople listened with curiosity as Henry shared his realization, and a few of them were moved by his words. They cheered and clapped as Henry continued his walk, his laughter ringing through the town and his apple tree limb a symbol of hope and joy.

The villagers were inspired by Henry's joy and many of them joined him in his laughter, swaying the limbs of the apple trees and reveling in the beauty of the orchards. From that day on, the town was known for its joyous celebrations and the people were forever grateful to Henry for reminding them of the importance of laughter and self-discovery.

Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Maria's Personal Touch

Once upon a time, in a small town tucked away in the hills, there was a restaurant called "Maria’s Personal Touch.” It was run by a woman named Maria, who was known for her stunning looks and impeccable professionalism. She was always nicely dressed, her hair tied back neatly in a bun. However, there was one strange quirk that all of the restaurant staff knew about Maria.

Maria loved massaging salads with her bare hands, rather than a fork or a spoon, before bringing them to her customers. She believed that it added a personal touch to each dish and made it extra special for the customers. Although she never wore gloves, she would always explain to her customers that it was her unique way of preparing their salad. The other staff members were worried about her questionable practice because she also ran the cash register, but the customers seemed to love it.

Sometimes, a customer would notice a glob of dressing or a piece of carrot on Maria's hand, but she would always smile and say that she was making the salads special. Despite the staff's concern, customers loved the personal touch that Maria added to their salads and often left glowing reviews for Maria’s Special Touch.

One day, the mayor of the town decided to visit Maria's restaurant. He was a big fan of her salads and wanted to show his support for the local business. As he walked through the restaurant, he saw Maria in the work area with her hands in a customer's salad bowl.

The mayor was appalled and taken aback. He couldn't believe that Maria would do such a thing, and he was worried that it might affect the restaurant's hygiene rating. But as he was about to leave, he couldn't help but chuckle to himself. He thought it was weird and funny that Maria had her hands in the salad bowl and that customers actually enjoyed it.

After leaving the restaurant, the mayor couldn't stop thinking about the incident. He realized that Maria's unique touch was the secret behind her loyal customer base. So, he decided to have a private word with Maria and give her some advice on how to maintain the hygiene standards of her restaurant while still keeping her unique touch.

So, Maria began wearing gloves while massaging the salads. However, she didn't want to lose the personal touch that her customers loved. So she came up with a new idea - she drew smiley faces on the fingertips of her gloves with a marker. Her customers loved it, and they thought it was a cute and creative way to add a special touch to their salads.

As an occasional smudge of ink would sometimes make it onto a piece of lettuce in a customer’s salad, the customers actually found it quite amusing and it became part of the charm of visiting Maria's restaurant. Maria's customers continued to tip generously, and the restaurant became even more popular.

The occasional smudge of ink on a salad bowl became a part of the charm of visiting Maria's restaurant. And the mayor became a regular customer, who always made sure to wear a smile whenever Maria massaged his salad with her smiley-faced gloves.

Monday, February 6, 2023

Friends and Fries

One afternoon, in a small diner in the heart of a busy city, a chance encounter brought together two unlikely companions: renowned chef and traveler Anthony Bourdain, and the beloved Pokémon, Pikachu.

Anthony was seated at the counter, perusing the menu and pondering what to order, when Pikachu burst into the diner, looking for a quick bite. Anthony was intrigued by the yellow, electrified creature and struck up a conversation with him.

As they chatted, they discovered a shared love for good food, and before long, they were both chowing down on delicious french fries, cooked to perfection. Anthony was struck by Pikachu's pure enjoyment of the simple meal, and he couldn't help but marvel at the innocence and joy that the Pokémon brought to the table. They talked and laughed and savored each bite, completely in the moment and completely at peace.

As they finished their fries and said their goodbyes, Anthony was left with a sense of wonder and appreciation for the simple things in life. He realized that, no matter how far he traveled or how many exotic dishes he tried, there was still something special and comforting about sharing good old-fashioned french fries with a friend.

And as for Pikachu, he was just happy to have made a new friend and enjoyed a delicious meal. He bounded out of the diner, ready for his next adventure, with a smile on his face and a full belly.

Sunday, February 5, 2023

Thor Is Sore (He Dropped His Hammer On His Foot)

Thor, the mighty Asgardian god of thunder, was having a rough day. He had just defeated a group of frost giants and was feeling pretty good about himself, until disaster struck. As he was about to put away his trusty hammer, Mjolnir, he stumbled and dropped it directly onto his foot.

Thor let out a loud cry of pain, causing all the other gods to come running to see what had happened. When they saw Thor hopping around on one foot, clutching his injured foot, they couldn't help but burst into laughter.

"What's so funny?" Thor demanded, still in pain. 

"Oh, Thor," Loki chuckled. "You're always so quick to smash your enemies, but can't even handle your own hammer."

The other gods joined in on the laughter, much to Thor's chagrin. But as the days passed, Thor's injury healed, and he was back to his old self, ready to wield Mjolnir once again. However, every time he looked down at his foot, he couldn't help but think about that fateful day and the teasing he received from his fellow gods.

From then on, Thor made sure to always keep a tight grip on Mjolnir, to avoid any future incidents and embarrassing moments.

Saturday, February 4, 2023

Library or Airport?

Have you ever walked into somewhere and felt like you were in the wrong place? Perhaps you were searching for the airport terminal but ended up in the library. Well, you're not alone!

This series of AI-generated images showing men on drugs in a public library, mistakenly thinking they are in an airport captures the confusion and disorientation these individuals are feeling as they try to navigate their surroundings.

One man is seen looking up at the shelves filled with books, with a confused expression on his face. Another image shows a man checking a map, trying to figure out where he is. Yet another depicts a man sitting at a desk surrounded by books, seemingly lost in thought as he tries to piece together where he is.

These images not only showcase the power of AI in creating realistic scenes, but they also highlight the importance of being aware of your surroundings and paying attention to the details of your environment.

In conclusion, while these images may be humorous, they also serve as a reminder to always be present and mindful of where you are and what you are doing. So, the next time you find yourself in a strange place, take a moment to look around and make sure you are where you need to be!

Friday, February 3, 2023

The Nightly Fart Awakening

We've all been there, lying in bed, ready to drift off into a peaceful slumber, when suddenly, a loud fart interrupts our sleep. What do you do when that same fart wakes you up? That's the story of one man's frustrating and hilarious experience.

It was a typical night, and the man had just settled into bed, ready to catch some much-needed Z's. But as he closed his eyes, he suddenly let out a loud fart, one so loud it woke him up. He lay there, frustrated, wondering why his own body was betraying him.

The man realized that the stench from his fart was so potent, it was keeping him awake. He tried to ignore it, but the smell was too strong. He tried to cover his nose, but it was no use. The man was stuck, wide awake and surrounded by his own stench.

As he lay there, tossing and turning, he started to get mad. How could his own body be so inconsiderate? He had a big day ahead of him, and now he was going to be exhausted because of a silly fart.

But as the man continued to lay there, fuming with frustration, he suddenly started to see the humor in the situation. He couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of it all. Here he was, a grown man, getting mad at his own fart.

In the end, the man finally fell back to sleep, but the memory of the fart that woke him up stayed with him. It became a funny story to tell his friends and a reminder to never take life too seriously.

So, the next time you find yourself lying in bed, wide awake because of a fart, just remember, it's a humorous and frustrating experience that we've all been through. And who knows, you might even find yourself laughing about it the next day. 

Valkyrie Lunch Break

One busy Friday at the end of the business day, a group of Valkyries descended upon a Chase Bank branch in the heart of a bustling city. The employees and customers inside were shocked and frightened as the fierce warriors swept in, their armor clanging and their swords at the ready.

The Valkyries were on a mission, but it was not to pillage and destroy. Instead, they were there to collect the rewards of a job well done. For they were the choosers of the slain, and they had been busy guiding brave warriors to their rightful place in Valhalla.

As they collected their rewards, the Valkyries were suddenly struck by a powerful hunger. They had not eaten in days, and their battle-worn bodies craved sustenance.

Without a moment's hesitation, the Valkyries headed to the nearest restaurant. They strode in, their armor clanging and their swords at the ready, causing the diners to freeze in fear. But the Valkyries were not there to do harm. They simply needed a place to enjoy a well-deserved meal.

The restaurant staff, seeing the exhaustion and hunger in the Valkyries' eyes, quickly set a table for them and brought out the finest dishes. The Valkyries ate ravenously, relishing the taste of each bite. They laughed and shared stories of their adventures, grateful for the chance to rest and refuel.

As they finished their meal, the Valkyries thanked the restaurant staff and, with full bellies and renewed energy, they set off back into the world, ready to continue their mission and bring more brave warriors to Valhalla.

And so, even in the midst of chaos and destruction, the Valkyries found a moment of peace and enjoyment, reminding all that even the mightiest warriors need a break and a good meal now and then.

Thursday, February 2, 2023

Observations at Taco Bell

Have you ever stopped to observe the people eating tacos at your local Taco Bell? If not, you're missing out on some pure entertainment. There's something about watching someone savor the flavors of a delicious taco that can be absolutely hilarious.

From the way they lick their lips before taking a bite to the satisfied moans they make after, the experience of watching someone enjoy a taco is pure joy. And when you're surrounded by others doing the same thing, it's like a symphony of taco-eating delight.

But what really takes the cake (or in this case, the taco) is the faces people make when they take their first bite. Some scrunch up their nose in confusion, others widen their eyes in amazement, and still others let out an audible "Mmm" that echoes through the restaurant. It's a beautiful thing to behold.

Of course, it's not just the reactions of the diners that are entertaining. The clanging of the taco shells and the shuffling of the fillings can be quite a performance in and of itself. The symphony of crunching and shuffling is music to the ears of any taco lover.

So next time you find yourself at Taco Bell, take a moment to sit back and watch the show. You won't regret it. The entertainment factor alone is worth the price of admission. And who knows, you might just learn a thing or two about how to properly enjoy a taco.

Elon Musk Admiring Christmas Balls

Elon Musk was feeling particularly festive during the holiday season. He enjoyed everything about Christmas, but there was one thing in particular that caught his eye: the beautiful, glittering Christmas balls that adorned the trees in homes and public spaces alike.

One day, Elon decided to visit a Christmas market to see the decorations up close. He was awestruck by the array of colorful and sparkling balls, each one more beautiful than the last. He marveled at the intricate designs and the way the light caught each facet, creating a mesmerizing display.

Elon was especially drawn to a set of two silver and gold balls that were especially shiny and reflected the light in a way that made them seem to glow. He was so taken with their beauty that he decided to buy the set for himself.

When he got home, Elon hung the balls on his own Christmas tree and sat back to admire his handiwork. He was so pleased with how they looked that he found himself spending hours just staring at them, lost in their beauty.

As the days passed, Elon couldn't help but be reminded of the joy and wonder of the season every time he looked at his tree. He felt grateful for the little things in life, like the simple beauty of a set of Christmas balls, that could bring so much joy and happiness.

From that day on, Elon made sure to take a moment each day to appreciate the beauty of the world around him, and he always remembered the Christmas balls that first inspired him to do so.

Archie Smells a Far Out Fart